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When elections are on the horizon, it’s normal for investors on both sides of the aisle to worry that the results could impact the economy and the stock market, for better or for worse.

Pundits are already weighing the potential benefits or pitfalls of a Trump win versus a Biden win in November.

I know from my own personal reactions what a roller coaster it can be for all of us. I’ve often caught myself thinking, “OMG, this is the most consequential election ever! Our democracy is at stake!! If ‘we’ lose it’s the end of everything!”

Do you think you may suffer from Anxiety and live in Florida, California or New York?

If so, please consider scheduling a proper virtual online ADHD and Anxiety diagnosis with one of our physicians. Although we have an online ADHD and Anxiety diagnosis tool, a proper diagnosis from a Board-Certified Medical Doctor will help you know for sure. If appropriate, a customized treatment program will be recommended at the conclusion of that initial visit.

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